CO Soccer 2 FREE APP
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CO Soccer 2 FREE APP

Not in Colorado and you would like the application to support your us at to find out how. We are looking to expand and support other leagues.
Colorado Youth Soccer Application
- Scores
- Schedules
- Ranking
- Field Maps
- Field Weather Conditions
- Daily updates on scores during the season
- iPhone/iPod Touch calendar integration
** Please refer to your team manager, club, tournament website or CYS for actual game time, locations, scores and ranking.
** Search iTunes for "CYS"
This new version of the popular Spring 2010 app supports multiple events and leagues. Look for tournaments, recreational and competitive schedules as they become available.
CO Soccer is the complete, unofficial, guide for Colorado Youth Soccer.
Over 99% of the games have field maps, weather forecasts and driving directions.
When scores are available, Teams statistics include win/loss record, division ranking, goals for, goals against, schedule and game results are available.
Team stats/schedules will be update daily.
Add your favorite teams to the start screen for a quick glance as to what you are doing over the weekend, see where your friends are playing, or display a map of all the games. You can also customize the name and picture of your favorite team.
This application can answer the following questions with "This is the app for that"
- Where are we playing next?
- What will the weather be like?
- How far is the field from here?
- What team are we playing?
- Are we home or away?
- What is the record of the team we are playing?
- What place are we in within our division?
- How many goals have been scored on the team we are playing?
- Who is on playing on the field behind us right now?
- Is Sam playing close by so we can go watch his game?
- Where can I get a cup of coffee after I drop my child off 1 hour before the games starts?
- Where can we get a bite to eat after the game?
Improvements from the Spring 2010 version:
*Stop Watch
*Ability to add schedules to the iPhone/iPod Touch Calendar
*Multiple leagues and tournaments available
**Scores and win/loss records are not kept for all leagues.
**Please refer to your team manager, club, or CYS for actual game times and locations.
**More leagues and tournaments will be added throughout the season.
Coming soon
Schedules Available Now
2011 Real Cup and Colorado Showcase
2011 Spring CYS Competitive, & Option 1
2011 Spring State and Presidents Cup
2011 Spring Cross Quad and Southwest Quad
2011 Spring Real Recreational
2011 Spring Fusion Recreational
2010 Fall CYS Competitive, & Option 1
2010 Fall State and Presidents Cup
2010 Fall Cross Quad and Southwest Quad
2010 Fall Real Recreational
2010 Fall Fusion Recreational
2010 Fall Broomfield Shootout
2010 Fall Denver Cup
2010 Spring CYS Competitive and Option 1
2010 Spring Real Recreational
2010 Spring Real Cup

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