Dragon Medical Mobile Recorder FREE APP
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Dragon Medical Mobile Recorder FREE APP

Dragon Medical Mobile Recorder is compatible with 3GS and 4 model iPhones. Users should verify the following eScription requirements with their healthcare organizations.
"u00b7 eScription version 9.8 or higher
"u00b7 iPhone mobile dictation option purchased and enabled on system
"u00b7 Assigned user name and password
Contact your system administrator or IT department to verify the requirements.
"u00b7 Seamlessly integrates with eScription accounts and existing transcription processes
"u00b7 Wi-Fi and 3G wireless connectivity for immediate dictation uploads
"u00b7 HIPAA security features including authentication, user name, password, inactivity timeout, & encryption to safeguard protected health information (PHI)
"u00b7 High quality recording formats compatible with background speech recognition
"u00b7 Patient name lookup to improve data accuracy
"u00b7 Dictation history to manage and review dictations
"u00b7 Worktype list to select report type
"u00b7 Priority select for urgent turn around

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