DTC DUAT Service is a FREE FAA Certified weather and flight planning service that has been providing the DUAT service to pilots on behalf of the FAA for over 20 years. The difference between DTC DUAT and all of the other iPhone applications out there is the fact that DTC DUAT is required by the FAA to keep a copy of all transactions that you perform with DTC DUAT for 15 days. If the FAA would require that information for any reason, we have it.
Features include:
- Weather Briefing for Standard, Abbreviated, State or Specific location, with results output in FAA contracted or expanded (plain English) text.
- Flight Plan Filing, including IFR, VFR and ICAO
- Flight Plan amendments, cancellation, and closure (Closure for VFR flights only).
- Data File (stored flight plan information)
- Special Use Airspace (displays warning/restricted airspace along your route)
- Flow Control Information (terminal/enroute traffic delays)
- FAA/NWS Contractions and Definitions.
- Encode/Decode (provides location identifiers/airport and NAVAID information)
- Regional/Area Weather Collectives
- Personalized Access Codes and Passwords
- Flight Log/Flight Planner (navigational information for your route based on forecast winds aloft)
- Weather Graphics - CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Canada
- Animated NEXRAD graphics
- Forecast Animation
- Current and Forecast Winds Aloft
- Airport information and Approach Plates
- Archived results for the device with the ability to save information for your flight
- Previous and Next buttons for easy use
DTC DUAT makes filing flight plans simpler for other applications developed for the iPhone. Please contact Doug Priestley at 800-243-3828, or by email at dougp@dtcduat.com if you would like to integrate your application with the DTC DUAT flight plan filing services.

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