Free Apps for Edupath LSAT iphoneLocate many of free iphone/ipad apps for Edupath LSAT.

LSAT prep will never be the same again! The TouchPrep series from Edupath offers the most comprehensive training available on any platform, and uses only actual LSAT questions. Download our demo version, or upgrade to the full version using in-app purchase to:
-Utilize advanced, custom-built tools for the logic games to work through questions directly on the screen (scrap \paper\ included)
-Learn the first approach to reading comprehension that truly works, built on the iPhone's accelerometer
-Practice true process of elimination by crossing-off or selecting answer choices with your finger
-All in-app purchase modules used in this application are actual LSAT questions from real LSAT* tests (demo questions and free content may not be from previously administered tests.)
-Track your improvement across tests
-Free access to StudyGroup - our social learning system for LSAT students and teachers
Need help? Ask your in-app tutor, never more than a "shake" away, or post your questions and advice for your fellow students using StudyGroup.
While most LSAT programs offer tips and practice exercises, we offer a complete training program; it's the difference between shooting hoops on the neighborhood court or working out with an NBA coach.
We've added demo modes to train users on how to use this app. Please try the demos and contact us if you have questions - we're here to help. REMEMBER to rotate your iPhone or iPod Touch to navigate from the question (portrait) to the passage (landscape) to the answer choices (portrait)!
The Edupath TouchPrep series will force you through the specific approach you'll need to master the test. Think of it as boot camp for the LSAT - in your pocket, and available whenever and wherever you want it.
While we train you in the techniques you'll need for LSAT success, our patent-pending interface enables you to interact with the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad just like you would with a paper and pencil based test.
If used correctly, the Edupath LSAT app may be the best $6 or $8 you spend on your education.
*All actual LSAT questions printed within this work are used with the permission of Law School Admission Council, Inc., Box 2000, Newtown, PA 18940, the copyright owner. LSAC does not review or endorse specific test preparation materials or services, and inclusion of licensed LSAT questions within this work does not imply the review or endorsement of LSAC.

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