Icon Skins Builder FREE - Create Custom Home Screen Backgrounds and Wallpapers FREE APP
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Icon Skins Builder FREE - Create Custom Home Screen Backgrounds and Wallpapers FREE APP

From the creators of Icon Skins - #1 App on appstore in 40 countries worldwide including U.S.A.
Now it's very easy to create coolest home screen:
1. Choose background from app or import yours
2. Add shelves to selected backgrounds
3. Add frames to selected background
4. Add coolest decoration to your frames
It's ready.. Preview your home screen, save or email it to your friends.
- More than 20 coolest backgrounds available
- Option to import your own backgrounds
- More than 20 3D and 2D shelves available
- More than 25 unique frames
- More than 45 decorations available like hats, headphones, inner frames, different logos and many more..
- Endless customization possibilities..
Go now! Download app at the lowest price and you won't be disappointed - We care about the quality of our products and want to keep our customers satisfied.
Home Screen Compatibility:
HARDWARE: iPhone 3GS,iPhone 4, iPod 3d generation 32/64GB (from december 2009) or later
SOWTWARE: iOS 4 or higher
NOTE: If you have iPhone 2G/3G or iPod 2G or your iOS is lower than 4.0, you can use images only as Lock Screen Wallpaper.

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