Free iphone Apps for Special Education

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Special Education FREE APPS

Special Education iphone Apps for Free

Special Education Edition: eCOVE Observation Software

By eCOVE Software released on: 2010-02-11T08:59:46Z

Gather objective data while observing teaching practices and student behavior. Nine very easy to use timer, counter, checklist, and scale tools included with more available. Additional information about data-based observations and eCOVE Software at

Use on iPhone, iTouch, and iPad.

"u273b 9 very easy to use tools included; more available to download or create your own with templates

"u273b Timers and counters gather real data - checklist and scale tools for walk-throughs

"u273b Email data with graphs directly from the application

"u273b Sync to computer (even with trial version) to upload additional tools, print reports, create tools

"u273b Great for walk through, sit down, and in-depth observations

"u273b Used by administrators, teacher coaches, peer observation, researchers

"u273b Great for parent and student conferences

"u273b See other Editions for Administrators, Teacher Leaders, and ESL in the App Store

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VOA Special English RSS Player Lite

By Eazesystems inc. released on: 2010-07-23T04:43:48Z


When you want to palyback the news audio, please touch news title, not arrow icon in table view.

2011.03.12 After registering yourself as VIP member in [Settings], news transcripts will be highlighted when audio playback. Please write a customer review in AppStore for this feature.

2010.08.28 ver1.7.0 now can integrate with dictionary such as iDict, EBPocket.

For VOA Special English listener, RSS Audio Player is a great RSS client for iphone & iPod Touch that provide a convenient way to listen Special English from VOA web site, include RSS categories:
1. Places
2. Education
3. Foreign Student Series

The following categories only available in paid version:
4. Special English
5. U.S.A
6. World
7. U.S. History
8. American Life
9. People
10. Literature
11. Arts & Entertainment
12. Health
13. Business
14. Agriculture
15. Science & Technology

* Listen to VOA episode while reading the transcript (VOA mobile web side)
* Auto-scroll the transcript according to the speed of audio
* High-light host name and conversation sentences in the transcript
* Download transcript and mp3 into device for offline listening and reading
* Display all items count and unread items count for every feed
* View VOA episode full Web pages without opening Safari
* Support full screen for iPad
* Display categories and news in the same window on iPad
* Integration with dictionary such as iDict, EBPocket
* Support landscape mode
* Settings for downloading all categories
* Support replay mode on all news item
* Automatic play the next news
* Support background playback

If you have any question, please contact us, and give us the following information:

1. Your area where you use the app.
2. Your hardware and iOS version.
3. The trouble detail.

Thank you!

**"u53ea"u8981"u60a8"u52a0"u5165"u807d"u529b"u4ff1"u6a02"u90e8,"u5c31"u53ef"u4ee5"u5be6"u73fe"u6587"u5b57"u9ad8"u4eae,"u96e2"u7dda"u95b1"u8b80"u7ffb"u8b6f"u529f"u80fd"u3002 ("u76ee"u524d"u6c92"u6709"u5165"u6703"u624b"u7e8c"u8cbb)

"u672c"u8edf"u9ad4"u662f[VOA"u7279"u5225"u82f1"u8a9e"u807d"u529bRSS Player]"u7684"u8a66"u7528"u7248,"u4ed8"u8cbb"u7248"u672c"u662f"u65e5"u672cAppStore10"u5927"u63a8"u85a6"u7522"u54c1"u4e4b"u4e00,"u8655"u65bc"u65e5"u672c"u6559"u80b2"u6392"u884c"u699c"u7b2c"u4e8c"u4f4d(2010/07/02"u7d71"u8a08),"u57282010"u5e746"u6708"u4e2d"u65ec"u4e5f"u66fe"u7d93"u662f"u4e2d"u570b"u5927"u9678AppStore"u6559"u80b2"u6392"u884c"u699c"u7684"u7b2c"u4e00"u4f4d"u3002"u800c"u4e14,"u6211"u5011"u4e5f"u5728"u7a4d"u6975"u5b8c"u5584"u8edf"u9ad4"u7684"u7a69"u5b9a"u6027"u548c"u529f"u80fd"u3002

* "u672c"u8edf"u4ef6"u57283G, WiFi"u74b0"u5883"u4e0b"u4f5c"u904e"u56b4"u683c"u7684"u6e2c"u8a66"u3002"u53ea"u8981"u80fd"u5920"u8a2a"u554fvoanews"u7db2"u7ad9"u7684ipod, iphone, ipad"u90fd"u53ef"u4ee5"u904b"u884c"u672c"u7a0b"u5e8f"u3002"u5982"u679c"u60a8"u767c"u73fe"u5728"u67d0"u4e9b"u7279"u5b9a"u74b0"u5883"u4e0b"u4e0d"u80fd"u6b63"u5e38"u904b"u884c,"u8acb"u63d0"u4f9b"u6211"u5011"u5177"u9ad4"u4fe1"u606f[],"u4ee5"u4fbf"u6211"u5011"u80fd"u76e1"u5feb"u89e3"u6c7a"u554f"u984c,"u65b9"u4fbf"u60a8"u7684"u4f7f"u7528"u3002

-------------------------------------------------- -

* "u5728"u807dVOA"u7279"u5225"u82f1"u8a9e"u65b0"u805e"u7684"u540c"u6642,"u95b1"u8b80"u540c"u6b65"u7684"u6587"u5b57"u65b0"u805e
* "u6839"u64da"u7279"u5225"u82f1"u8a9e"u7684"u901f"u5ea6,"u81ea"u52d5"u8abf"u6574"u6587"u5b57"u65b0"u805e"u8868"u793a
* "u9ad8"u4eae"u986f"u793a"u4e3b"u6301"u4eba"u7684"u540d"u5b57"u548c"u5c0d"u8a71"u9304"u97f3"u6587"u5b57
* "u81ea"u52d5"u4e0b"u8f09"u7576"u524d"u7684"u807d"u529bmp3"u6587"u4ef6,"u4ee5"u53ca"u5c0d"u61c9"u7684"u6587"u5b57"u65b0"u805e
* "u7121"u7dda"u7db2"u74b0"u5883"u4e0b"u7684"u5168"u90e8"u4e0b"u8f09"u529f"u80fd
* "u8868"u793a"u672a"u8b80"u9805"u76ee"u6578,"u7e3d"u9805"u76ee"u6578
* "u8868"u793a"u5c0d"u61c9"u7684VOA"u65b0"u805e"u7db2"u9801,"u800c"u4e0d"u7528"u5207"u63db"u5230Safari"u700f"u89bd"u5668
* "u548c"u5b57"u5178iDict Plus, EBPocket Professional"u806f"u52d5
* "u652f"u6301iOS4"u7684"u5f8c"u53f0"u64ad"u653e"u529f"u80fd
* "u652f"u6301"u9023"u7e8c"u64ad"u653e"u548c"u5faa"u74b0"u64ad"u653e

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IEP Checklist

By Nurvee LLC released on: 2010-01-07T01:31:57Z

IEP Checklist is a tool for parents and teachers to consider as they develop the IEP. Not every item on the checklist is required by special education regulations. For more information, consult the Federal regulations and other information that can be found at

The IEP Checklist is sponsored by The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC).

PEATC Mission Statement:

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center Building positive futures for children by working collaboratively with families, schools and communities in order to improve opportunities for excellence in education and success in school and community life. Our special focus is children with disabilities. We do this by providing:

* Services and support for families and professionals;
* Easy-to-understand, research-based information and training; and
* Opportunities for strategic partnerships and advocacy for systemic improvement.

PEATC Philosophy

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center believes that children reach their full potential when families and professionals enjoy an equal, respectful partnership. PEATC believes that:

* Families are children's first and best teachers;
* Information and training enrich and empower families and professionals to build strong partnerships.
* All children deserve the opportunity to live, learn and participate fully in their communities;
* Children with disabilities can achieve independence and make valuable contributions to society.

IEP Checklist Application developed by:
Nurvee LLC :: Business Refreshed

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By RinnApps released on: 2010-09-01T05:07:30Z

ArtikPix is an engaging articulation app with flashcard and matching activities for children with speech sound delays. Since the app includes child friendly language, you don't have to be a speech-language pathologist to facilitate practice. Children use ArtikPix to practice sounds independently, with a speech-language pathologist or their parents.

Utilizing fun and modern graphics, ArtikPix has a deck of "th" cards with features such as recorded audio, voice recording, and data collection. In app purchases enable all features with a total possible 21 decks with 40 cards each (113 cards in r deck, 913 total cards) for the following sounds: th, f, v, ch, sh, k, g, s, z, l, r, s-blends, r-blends, l-blends, p, b, m, n, t, d, j. The decks are combined, selected for sound group (e.g., beginning th, er), then practiced in full-featured flashcard and matching activities.

In the flashcard activity, the sound groups are ordered and configured for shuffling to individualize practice for children using the words alone and in sentences. The flashcards are then practiced in an easy-to-use flick album. In the matching activity, the words are randomized in easy (3 pairs), medium (6 pairs), and hard (10 pairs) levels. The matching activity is a fun way for children to practice their speech sounds while data is still collected.

The flashcard and matching activities include the following features:
combine card decks and specify ordering
choose sounds groups (e.g., beginning th, er) to practice
color coded cards
auto-play of audio recordings
tap-to-play audio
record your voice and play the recording (external
mic/earphones with mic needed for iPod touch prior to 4th generation)
collect data by tallying for specified sound groups (e.g., beginning th, er)
tallied data is automatically converted to percentage based data
save data in the app with timestamp
copy data to clipboard, email, and Google Spreadsheet
configurable options for app sounds (e.g., audio recordings) and visuals (e.g., hide matched cards, unmatched card delay)

RinnApps is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families.
Recommended Ages: Parents
Categories: Special Needs

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Siddur - Special Edition

By Gp Imp. released on: 2011-03-03T11:10:24Z

This Siddur includes:

"u2713 Siddur (All major traditions)
"u2713 Psalms (Tehillim)
"u2713 Torah (Separated in chapters)
"u2713 Additional Prayers
"u2713 Jerusalem Compass
"u2713 Mirror to help centering your Tfilim.

"u2713 This modern day siddur includes prayers for the four types of traditions; Ashkenaz, Sefarad, Nusach Ari and Edut Hamizrach. It contains Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv and Birkat Hamazon. It is very convenient and easy to use, since it has all the prayers outlined for easy reach. We invested many hours working to make this valuable product so that everyone can enjoy it! The siddur is in Hebrew, we will adding additional features soon.

Tefilat Ha Derech and Megillat Esther are also included.
"u2713 The Book of Psalms consists of 150 psalms, each of which constitutes a religious song written by king David.
"u2713 The "Torah" is the most sacred writing in Judaism.
The torah is divided into five books, whose names in Hebrew are Bereshit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidvar and Devarim. We are happy to introduce "The Torah" . The text is in hebrew.
"u2713 You do not need a phone or internet signal. You have the option to either browse through the pages or just flip them using the navigation bar like a regular book to a specific page or chapter!

Enjoy praying!

If you need assistance please contact us
We will be adding additional apps soon!

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What's That Sound? Learning to Listen and Identify Sounds

By Different Roads to Learning, Inc. released on: 2011-02-09T04:05:33Z

Develop early listening skill in identifying sounds.

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Clean Up: Category Sorting

By Different Roads to Learning, Inc. released on: 2011-01-09T07:03:34Z

A Category Game for Young Learners

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What Goes Together?

By Different Roads to Learning, Inc. released on: 2011-02-23T10:28:49Z

What Goes Together teaches young children early association, relationships, and reasoning.

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face-cards C

By Dunedin Multimedia Limited released on: 2010-04-17T10:30:56Z

Your pocket-sized emotion recognition system has come to iPhone! This app accompanies face-cards set C07B (ISBN: 9781902765099).
Face-cards are a safe, easy to use resource for exploring feelings and the faces that go with them. Face-cards portray the ten most common emotion expressions. People on the autism spectrum use face-cards to identify and explain feelings. Face-cards are also used by teachers, parents and therapists with both children and adults across a range of abilities.

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VOA\u6162\u901f\u82f1\u8bed\u6559\u5b66\u7cbe\u9009 (\u6709\u58f0\u8bfb\u7269)

By liusoft released on: 2011-03-03T02:01:51Z

"u7cbe"u9009VOA special English(VOA"u6162"u901f"u82f1"u8bed)"u6700"u65b0100"u7bc7"u65b0"u95fb"u6545"u4e8b,"u7ed9"u60a8"u63d0"u4f9b"u4e00"u4e2a"u6700"u539f"u6c41"u539f"u5473"u7684"u7f8e"u5f0f"u82f1"u8bed"u7684"u8bed"u8a00"u73af"u5883,"u7406"u89e3"u7f8e"u56fd"u7684"u5386"u53f2"u3001"u6587"u5316"u548c"u4e3b"u6d41"u793e"u4f1a"u7684"u65b9"u65b9"u9762"u9762"u3002



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Social Skills Sampler

By The Conover Company released on: 2010-06-03T04:51:35Z


The Social Skills Sampler application is designed to teach and reinforce basic social skills critical for independent living. For some, going on a shopping trip, using basic literacy skills, or understanding what to do when seeing a warning sign are very difficult tasks. The Social Skills Sampler application provides easy-to-understand information that allows users to become more capable of functioning independently at work, at home, and in the community.

*Contains 80 videos
*Password-protected administration section
*Make assignment for each user based on individual needs
*Lock the device to a particular user for ease of use
*Narrated with human-quality audio, NOT text-to-speech

The Social Skills Sampler application is a complement to our Functional Skills System software. Each application contains all the digital videos contained in their software counterparts. The Social Skills Sampler is part of a series of applications that focus on functional life, literacy, math, social and work skills for both the iPod/iPhone and iPad.

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By GEDES UGR released on: 2010-05-22T09:08:27Z

Picaa: Interactive and Cooperative Platform to Support Learning.

Important: The application is in English (as well as in Spanish) although sample activities provided are in Spanish. You can customize or create new ones with the pictures and sounds you want, including synthesized sounds (Text-To-Speech) in English.

Picaa aims to bring flexibility and adaptability in the education of children with special needs. More innovating factors of the platform are:

- It is designed like a mobile platform, following an approach where activities run on entertainment mobile devices that turn out to be more attractive to users.
- It provides support for group work, fostering integration and interaction with other users.
- It has the capability of user adaptation and content customization.
- It provides functions to synthesize sounds (requires WiFi/3G connection).
- Activities can be shared via email or can be imported/exported via iTunes sharing files feature.

The platform allows defining four kinds of activities to be performed by the users that we have chosen in order to cover the main learning task prompts. These kinds of activities are:

- Association: the student must indicate relationships between elements that belong to several sets.
- Puzzle: a decomposed image must be rebuilt from multiple pieces. Number, size and shape of pieces can be configured.
- Exploration: navigation-based histories that let students learn concepts through the navigation of a hypermedia system with components.
- Sorting/selection: a list of elements that must be ordered in a sequence or where the user must find a particular item.

(*) Sample pictures given by the DiverTIC Association (

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BPP China \u4e2d\u82f1\u8d22\u52a1\u53cc\u8bed\u8bcd\u5178 Chinese English Financial Dictionary Special Price Version

By BPP China released on: 2010-04-21T04:11:26Z

Access code distributed by BPP China needed to use this app. To purchase access codes please go to:


Globally renowned BPP presents "u4e2d"u82f1"u8d22"u52a1"u8bcd"u5178 Chinese English Finance Dictionary with a15,000+ terms. It is a thorough and convenient daily reference for finance professionals.

- You can browse all terms in either English or Chinese
- You can quickly search any English or Chinese terms.
- The app will give you suggested search results while you type in the search box.

BPP"u6210"u7acb"u4e8e1976"u5e74"uff0c"u603b"u90e8"u4f4d"u4e8e"u82f1"u56fd"uff0c"u5728"u4f1a"u8ba1"u3001"u6cd5"u5f8b"u3001 "u7cbe"u7b97"u3001"u8425"u9500"u548c"u91d1"u878d"u670d"u52a1"u7b49"u9886"u57df"u63d0"u4f9b"u5e7f"u6cdb"u7684"u57f9"u8bad"u8bfe"u7a0b"u3002 BPP "u5728"u4e00"u7cfb"u5217"u4e13"u4e1a"u9886"u57df"u7684"u57f9"u8bad"u65b9"u9762"u90fd"u5904"u4e8e"u4e16"u754c"u9886"u5148"u5730"u4f4d"u3002


BPP China "u8054"u7cfb"u65b9"u5f0f"uff1a


"u8054"u7cfb"u7535"u8bdd"uff1a"uff0b86 21 58366718

BPP Professional Education is about developing careers. We are the company that trains people for the qualifications they need to become business professionals.
Thousands of accountants, tax practitioners, lawyers, insolvency practitioners, actuaries, financial services professionals, and marketing practitioners have gained their qualifications studying with BPP.


Telephone: +44 (0)20 8740 2222

This app is powered by D&H

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