Free iphone Apps for LSAT
Locate thousands of free iphone/ipad apps for LSAT.
Smart Vocab LSAT Lite
By High Five Labs Inc.released on:2010-08-12T05:00:31Z

This is the LITE version of Smart Vocab LSAT app.
"u2600 Studies have shown that one of the top reasons why people do poorly on the LSAT is - Poor Vocabulary - FIX THIS with Smart Vocab LSAT. Acing your Verbal Reasoning section starts with a good grasp on your vocabulary "u2600
"Shoot - I don't know that word..."
If you know you have a poor vocabulary, fix it! When your vocabulary improves, so will your test score.
Smart Vocab is your personal vocabulary tutor:
* It gets to know you.
Smart Vocab is the only app with a diagnostic feature that assigns you to a vocabulary "belt."
* It knows its stuff.
1500+ words. Hand-picked and ranked for difficulty and priority by top New York City tutors.
* It makes learning fun and easy.
Better UI. Smarter definitions and usage examples. Addictive quiz mode.
* It makes sure you really learn.
This quiz mode is serious fun. It times you, makes you get each word right three times and keeps track of what you need to review.
"u27a4 support at the click of a button either on our website or on the phone
The easiest, funnest, fastest way to master vocabulary.
* 1500+ words, selected from past tests.
* Intelligent design generates word lists tailored to your level.
* Fun, addictive quiz mode: advance through ten vocabulary "belts" by mastering words.
* Study mode with definitions, usage examples, part of speech and pronunciation.
* More than just a game or stack of flash cards.
Note: All Smart Vocab apps include many essential words that appear on all tests. Choose the version that best matches the test you're taking.
Edupath LSAT
By Edupathreleased on:2010-04-01T07:00:00Z

(iOS 4.2 update coming soon - approx 3/15 - will address demo issues some 3.13, 3.20 and 4.0 users are having and will add two major new features.)
LSAT prep will never be the same again! The TouchPrep series from Edupath offers the most comprehensive training available on any platform, and uses only actual LSAT questions. Download our demo version, or upgrade to the full version using in-app purchase to:
-Utilize advanced, custom-built tools for the logic games to work through questions directly on the screen (scrap "paper" included)
-Learn the first approach to reading comprehension that truly works, built on the iPhone's accelerometer
-Practice true process of elimination by crossing-off or selecting answer choices with your finger
-All in-app purchase modules used in this application are actual LSAT questions from real LSAT* tests (demo questions and free content may not be from previously administered tests.)
-Track your improvement across tests
-Free access to StudyGroup - our social learning system for LSAT students and teachers
Need help? Ask your in-app tutor, never more than a "shake" away, or post your questions and advice for your fellow students using StudyGroup.
While most LSAT programs offer tips and practice exercises, we offer a complete training program; it's the difference between shooting hoops on the neighborhood court or working out with an NBA coach.
We've added demo modes to train users on how to use this app. Please try the demos and contact us if you have questions - we're here to help. REMEMBER to rotate your iPhone or iPod Touch to navigate from the question (portrait) to the passage (landscape) to the answer choices (portrait)!
The Edupath TouchPrep series will force you through the specific approach you'll need to master the test. Think of it as boot camp for the LSAT - in your pocket, and available whenever and wherever you want it.
While we train you in the techniques you'll need for LSAT success, our patent-pending interface enables you to interact with the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad just like you would with a paper and pencil based test.
If used correctly, the Edupath LSAT app may be the best $6 or $8 you spend on your education.
*All actual LSAT questions printed within this work are used with the permission of Law School Admission Council, Inc., Box 2000, Newtown, PA 18940, the copyright owner. LSAC does not review or endorse specific test preparation materials or services, and inclusion of licensed LSAT questions within this work does not imply the review or endorsement of LSAC.
LSAT Proctor
By Test Hackerreleased on:2010-06-21T07:58:48Z

The LSAT Proctor app by Test Hacker allows students to simulate LSAT test-day examination conditions at home. The app simulates the proctor's vocal prompts, time warnings and completion prompts for all five sections of the LSAT.
The app also includes an optional distraction mode that can be enabled or disabled to simulate the audio distractions that occur during the LSAT. Unlike the MCAT, the LSAT is a written test and does not allow any type of noise-canceling headphones; therefore, the LSAT can often be a cacophony of pencil scratches, sneezes, coughs, weather/animal noises, chair creeks and paper crumbles. Practicing with the LSAT Proctor app will help to numb you to these distractions allowing you to focus on the test at hand. The app utilizes a series of randomized sounds to ensure that you do not become accustomed to the particular distractions; the randomization ensures that you will learn to conquer whatever distractions come your way and not just a particular series of distractions.
If you find that timing is not you problem, but you still are having trouble concentrating with noises, use the app's "Unlimited Noise" settings to disregard vocal prompts and timing conditions to focus on conquering the LSAT under any condition!
By GMAT Club Communityreleased on:2009-08-04T07:04:44Z

"u2729 featured in the What's Hot Education list.
111 HARD 700+ level of GMAT Club's quantitative GMAT questions in iPad/iPhone native app.
Also Check out our GMAT ToolKit App:
"u2729 The bestselling GMAT prep app in the App Store with 900 questions + free downloadable questions
"u2729 Featured in the "What's Hot" list, Bloomberg, and WSJ.
The application from GMAT Club, a large community with 120,000 members and 800,000 GMAT&MBA related posts.
Visit for a free sample test
The GMAT Club App is specifically designed to help you prepare for the GMAT on the go, even with just a minute or two to spare. Simply take one question at a time and the application will remember which questions you have taken as well as show you detailed statistics. Keep your prep fun - shake your iPhone to get the next question and if you get it wrong, you'll get buzzed!
- Time yourself on a question by question basis
- Bookmark questions to take later or create a custom test
- Detailed explanations for each question and support from the GMAT Club community
- Detailed statistics
- Question history
- Advanced navigation features (jump to a similar question, random questions, others)
- Application stays on while in practice mode
- Take it as a GMAT Practice Quiz or GMAT Review
- Links with resources to help improve your GMAT score
See also our application:
GMAT ToolKit - the bestselling application for successful preparation.
If you have any any suggestions how to improve this application, contact us at We will respond within 24 hours.
Kindly note that GMAT (C) is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council, and this application has neither been reviewed nor endorsed by GMAC.
Flashcard Machine
By Chris Parcelreleased on:2010-08-03T03:44:09Z

Flashcard Machine has switched to the In-App Purchase model so that as many people as possible can use the app! The first 100 flashcard flips are free, and you can buy more or unlimited flips for not much more.
*************************** At a Glance ************************
- Access to over millions of flashcards
- All flashcard downloads are free
- Intuitively separates flashcards into "correct," "wrong," and "flagged" piles for future study sessions
- The ability to tag and discover flashcards based on location (great for sharing flashcards with a class)
- Scroll down to see all of Flashcard Machine's features!
************************** About the Product ************************
As a college student, I almost exclusively use flashcards to study for my classes. However, when I got my first iPhone, I was disappointed to find that none of the existing flashcard apps were able to simulate how I study flashcards in real life. These flashcard apps lacked the ability to effortlessly sort and track the flashcards that I got "right" or "wrong."
Flashcard Machine solves this problem, allowing the user to quickly design custom study sessions based on his or her past performance over multiple study sessions. It is the ONLY flashcard application that reproduces the control that a student traditionally has in studying flashcards. Linked to one of the largest flashcard repositories on the internet (, this app already has all the flashcards that you will ever need.
This app is a valuable time-saver and a great educational tool for students everywhere. I promise that you will never want to use another flashcard app again! - Chris Parcel
*************************** Features *************************
- Access to Flashcard Machine's millions of flashcards
- The ability to tag and discover flashcards based on location (great for sharing flashcards with a class)
- Push Notifications for reminders to study
- Create flashcards online or in the app
- Portrait and landscape views
- Automatically sorts and tracks flashcards into piles throughout the study session
- Designs future study sessions based on pile history
- Quickly view information about your current progress
- Customize the fonts and colors for each flashcard set
- Caches images for studying flashcards even without internet connection
- WSIWYG online editor
- Support for HTML flashcards.
- Shake to shuffle flashcards
- Flick screen to move back and forth between flashcards
MBA ToolKit
By GMAT Club Communityreleased on:2010-01-13T11:49:56Z

"u2729 11/16/2010 MBA ToolKit is featured in the What's Hot Education list in 64 countries!!!
MBA ToolKit - mobile MBA headquarters for Business School Applicants
### Now includes Real Essays from current MBA students(HBS and Stern) along with expert commentary.
"u2729 Official QS World MBA Tour App
- Look up MBA Tour events in your city
- Get the address, schedule of events
- Full listing of schools attending by city
!!! Free admission to the QS World MBA Tour if you mention GMAT club at the door !!!
"u2729 Featured in the Bloomberg Businessweek list of top10 apps for college.
Check out our GMAT ToolKit App:
"u2729 The bestselling GMAT prep app in the App Store
"u2729 Featured in "What's Hot" list this year.
An application from GMAT Club, a large community with more than 90,000 members and 700,000 GMAT & MBA related posts.
- Meet hundreds of business schools
- Find an MBA world tour event in a city near you
- Register & attend for free
- Get the address, list of events, schedule, list of all schools attending
- Blogs/Twitter/RSS/News - all directly from admission committees of schools you selected
- MBA and GMAT News: stay updated on the latest Business School application trends from GMAT Club
- RSS Reader: add and read your own feeds in the MBA Toolkit. Keep all MBA news and resources in one place
- Information about 30 USA and 10 International business school + stats
- Business Week rankings
VOICES - save prep time by getting recommendations from GMAT Club members and admission committees
- advice and thoughts from people who were admitted to ultra-elite business schools
- key recommendations from Directors of Admission from Booth, HBS, and other programs
As usual, more tools and functionality will be added in the next release.
Also, try GMAT ToolKit with a GMAT Timer, Official Guide catalog, Daily GMAT Questions and other features.
My Vocab Builder
By Amy Faulknerreleased on:2010-07-29T06:23:08Z

My Vocab Builder is designed for those prepping for standardized test such as the SAT, LSAT, GRE, or GMAT. My Vocab Builder took nearly 10,000 words most commonly found with these test and compiled into one simple and easy to use app.
My Vocab Builder is not just limited to those prepping for exams, it is also a wonderful way to learn a
ew" word a day. If you start now you should finish in about 30 years!
My Vocab Builder is great for kids just starting school to those who are a few years away from preparing for college.
I hope you enjoy this app and please check out my others which are designed to entertain and to educate!
Voice Cards Are Not Flashcards !! Lite
By Buddy Appsreleased on:2010-11-04T09:53:35Z

** Full Version on Sale for $.99 for a limited time only! **
View Demo on SchoolBuddyApp Channel On YouTube
Voice Cards Lite:
- Only allows users to create 3 sets of 10 voice cards
- Contains advertisements
- No Sharing Voice Card Sets Over Email
- No Switching Voice Cards from Set To Set
VoiceCards Free Version Features:
- Record Question and Answer Sets
- Edit Individual Voice Cards
- Playback in Shuffle Mode
- Playback Voice Cards Automatically
- Playback in Background
- AutoPlay with 1, 5, or 10 secs in between
- Easy playback using Swipe GestureTouchpad
- Combine Shuffle with Shake, AutoPlay, or Touchpad
- Landscape Mode like Touchpad Mode
Voice Cards are an innovative way to study and a replacement for all the flashcard/notecard apps out there!! The iPhone is not made to type flashcards, thus comes Voice Cards, an innovative way to replace them all!
Start out by creating sets just as you would with notecards/flashcards, except you create a voice recording of your questions/answers in set of Voice Cards! You can then play them back in ways one has not though of before.
Turn on 'Touchpad' mode to swipe left and right between questions, then swipe up to play the question, and swipe down to play the question!
Turn on 'Shake' mode to shake between questions and answers. Shake once to place the question, then shake again to play the answers! Then it automatically moves to the next question with the next shake!
Set 'Autoplay' mode and select your interval of 1, 5, or 10 seconds. Press play and the questions followed by answers will play with a delay in between! You can even exit the app and Voice Cards will atomically keep going in the background while you surf the web or answer your email!
Turn on 'Shuffle' mode to randomize your Voices Cards in all three mode!!
For an old-school look, turn your phone to landscape mode, and it becomes a notecard, then it can be used with swipe gestures just as you would in 'Touchpad' mode!
GRE Vocab Sampler, by Brainscape
By Brainscapereleased on:2010-12-16T03:05:00Z

Improve your vocabulary for the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and other grad school exams FASTER than with any other vocab app. Applying the latest in cognitive science techniques, Brainscape helps you efficiently learn over 100 vocabulary words FREE.
The Brainscape team is made up of former executives from The Princeton Review and Kaplan, as well as cognitive scientists formerly with Columbia and Yale. Our mission is to make learning easier and more convenient. Rather than creating frivolous games or distracting quizzes to try to make learning "fun," Brainscape provides a scientifically optimized algorithm to repeat flashcards in just the right pattern for your brain's maximum absorption, based on YOUR confidence. Brainscape makes sure that your study time is used as efficiently as possible, because - let's face it - you are busy!
GRE Vocab Essentials includes:
Over 100 flashcards for the most common words found on the GRE, complete with definitions, sample sentences, and synonyms that present words in various contexts
A customized flashcard repetition algorithm that cuts your memorization time dramatically
Convenient "browse" and "search" functions that allow you to easily find cards you want
Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress
In the months ahead, new Brainscape apps for a wide variety of subjects will also allow you to synchronize your studies with our website ( Once you see how fast you can learn with Brainscape, you'll want to use it for many more subjects in the future. Feel free to demo this app and others for FREE on our website. Good luck!
THE Timer LE
By DINNOVAN CO., LTDreleased on:2010-05-03T07:00:00Z

This provides flexible and various time flow for you. You can make a timer which you thought easily. Plan your own time, you can see the progress.
it can be used to prepare for the TOEIC or other exam.
- "THE Timer" is used for various purposes like TOEIC, TEPS, IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, SAT, presentation and exercise timer.
- Enables you to create, modify, or remove custom timers. (LE version : 2 timers / FULL version : 20 timers)
- this provides 5 fonts, 5 bells, 5 musics. (LE version : 1 font, 1 bell, 1 music)
- flexible and various time flow.
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- "ud1a0"uc775, "ud15d"uc2a4, "uc544"uc774"uc5d8"uce20, GRE, "ud1a0"ud50c, SAT, "ud504"ub808"uc820"ud14c"uc774"uc158, "uc6b4"ub3d9"ub4f1 "uc218 "ub9ce"uc740 "uc77c"uc5d0 "uc0ac"uc6a9"ud560 "uc218 "uc788"uc2b5"ub2c8"ub2e4.
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- 5"uac00"uc9c0"uc758 "ud3f0"ud2b8"ub97c "uc9c0"uc6d0"ud569"ub2c8"ub2e4. (LE "ubc84"uc804"uc758 "uacbd"uc6b0 "uac01 1"uac1c)
- 5"uac00"uc9c0"uc758 "ubca8"uacfc 5"uac00"uc9c0"uc758 "ud0c0"uc774"uba38 "uc885"ub8cc "uc74c"uc545"uc744 "uc9c0"uc6d0"ud569"ub2c8"ub2e4. (LE "ubc84"uc804"uc758 "uacbd"uc6b0 "uac01 1"uac1c)
- "ucd1d 20"uac00"uc9c0"uc758 "uc11c"ub85c "ub2e4"ub978 "ud0c0"uc774"uba38"ub97c "uc791"uc131"ud560 "uc218 "uc788"uc2b5"ub2c8"ub2e4. (LE "ubc84"uc804"uc758 "uacbd"uc6b0 2"uac1c)
- "uc2dc"uac01"uc801"uc73c"ub85c "ud3b8"uc548"ud558"uace0, "uc9c1"uad00"uc801"uc778 "ub514"uc790"uc778"uc744 "uc81c"uacf5"ud569"ub2c8"ub2e4.
- "ud604"uc7ac "uc9c4"ud589"uc2dc"uac04"uacfc "ub0a8"uc740"uc2dc"uac04"uc744 "ub3d9"uc2dc"uc5d0 "ud655"uc778"ud560 "uc218 "uc788"uc2b5"ub2c8"ub2e4. ("uac00"ub85c"ubaa8"ub4dc "uc0ac"uc6a9"uc2dc)
"ubc84"uadf8 "ub9ac"ud3ec"ud305 "uae30"ub2a5"uc744 "ucd94"uac00"ud558"uc5ec, "ube60"ub978 "uc5c5"ub370"uc774"ud2b8"ub97c "uc81c"uacf5"ud569"ub2c8"ub2e4.
logicalculator lite
By Cogniscent LLCreleased on:2010-12-21T06:17:29Z

In the same way that a normal arithmetic calculator can be useful to those already familiar with basic math, Cogniscent's logicalculator was designed as an educational tool to aid those who have a basic familiarity with formal logic, especially students studying for the LSAT. A special feature of logicalculator is the inclusion of operations which allow for diagramming categorical statements using "some" and "most" relationships which should be particularly useful for LSAT students. By using logicalculator, students can quickly check that they are making the correct inferences when diagramming formal logic problems. (Note: categorical statements have been disabled in the lite version of logicalculator.)
Quick tutorial available at

There are more than 300,000 iphone/ipad apps for just about any category you can think of including LSAT you looking for.
We belive for every paid LSAT app out there there is a equivalent free LSAT app that can be downloaded from itunes free of charge. If you do not like that app you can always uninstall it without paying for it or worring about losing the money you paid for app you do not use.
Try out the free LSAT apps to see if you like it before purchasing the more expensive versions of it.
- There are thousands of iphone developers daily release free iphone apps.
- Explore different LSAT apps with free iphone apps and see if you like it before you pay for it.
- Just like trial software for non mobile operating systems, free iphone LSAT apps let you explore similar tools before you purchase the more expensive version.
- For those of you looking for particular LSAT app specific to a professional decipline search apps by Apps Popular Among Professions.
LSAT Apps Users Comments